Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekends at the Nix Nature Center Insect and Arthropod Day, June 7, 2009

Yesterday, Sunday June 7, 2009, from 1 to 4 PM, the Nix Nature Center was filled with sounds of excitement, curiosity and joy, as children and their parents discovered the fascinating world of insects and arthropods. Special thanks to Dr. Sue for bringing all of her buggy friends to the Nix and sharing them with all of us!

(For more information about the Nix Nature center, the Laguna Canyon Foundation, and the various activities at the Laguna Coast Wilderness Park / South Coast Wilderness (including the Aliso & Wood Canyon Trails), please visit

>>> CLICK HERE for a short clip (video) of the whole group singing part of Laura's Insect song!<<<

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