Thursday, January 1, 2009

Plants in Bloom at Laurel

This morning, a bunch of us plant lovers hiked Lower Laurel in search of beauty and wonder... and were not disappointed!

Here is a short list of plants in bloom that we saw today:

- Shortpod mustard
- California Buckwheat
- Coyote bush (nearing the end)
- CA fuchsia colored Gooseberry (the very beginnings!)
- Cudweed aster
- Twiggy wreath plant (nearing its end)
- Deerweed (somewhat early for this plant)

Another great highlight of the day was finding out that two extremely rude mountain bikers who pushed their way illegally through us on Lower Laurel were both ticketed at Post 10 by our fantastic ranger. Here's three cheers for justice!

More soon! Happy New Year!

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