Monday, January 26, 2009

Fiddleneck in bloom at Willow

Going up Willow to Bommer, I came across some Amsinckia menziesii var. intermedia (A. intermedia, Common Fiddleneck) in bloom. We can now add that to the list of flowers in bloom in Laguna Canyon.

The California Manroot is doing quite well, growing and forming its gourds (slowly but surely!). Compare below the two photos to see the progression of the manroot on Willow trail (first photo taken 29 December 2008, second photo taken today, 26 January 2009 - about a month has elapsed)...

There are also many milkmaids on Willow, on the shady slopes facing north...

Lastly, the Lemonade Berry trees are flowering more and more on Willow, although it's taking some time, especially on those shady slopes.

Hope to see you on the trails! ~ Jennifer W.

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