Saturday, December 5, 2009

New observations at the Park

Our good friend and fellow naturalist Len Gardner shares his observations of late:

Nov 29

In the stretch of upper Laurel between the waterfall and signpost 10, there are a few shoots of new growth. Maidenhair fern and Polypody fern are both putting out bright green new foliage. This is a hopeful sign in an otherwise continuing drought. Also, sagebrush has its flower buds out and Fuschia-flowered Gooseberry is sporting new leaves. Otherwise, things still look pretty bleak.

Dec 4

I stopped by the Nix this morning [...] While there, I checked for Jepsonia.

I could only find five plants, all near the picnic table on the knoll and all fading fast. Laura said that at Thanksgiving she found them doing well at the Conservancy. She pointed out it's more sheltered there and it was earlier. They're at their best in November.

In good news, there's rain in the forecast for next week. At this point, they're predicting serious rain (1" or more).

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