Sunday, March 22, 2009

Out at Dilley on a Rainy Day

This morning, the newest group of LCF Volunteers were scheduled for their training and a hike at Dilley with Norris, however the rainy and windy weather dissuaded most in the group from actually starting up the trail. I had come to join the group to refamiliarize myself with the trail, and had my camera ready for some photos, as I was aware of the owl's clover that has popped up in bloom at the Nix Nature Center (pratically across the Laguna Canyon Road) and wanted to see what else I could photograph early in the morning.

I wasn't disappointed with what I shot today, although I do regret that my camera pooped out on me after 25 photos (low battery!). Here's what I was able to take (click on the names of the plants with links to see the photos in our main photo album collection):

- Owl's Clover
- Mariposa Lily
- Beautiful displays of Sticky Monkeyflower and California Manroot (Wild Cucumber)
- California Figwort (aka Bee Plant) - (Scrophularia californica) (updated 23 March 09)

What I wish I could have taken today in photo:
- Absolutely stunning & large Chalk Dudleyas with three stalks on each plant, coming upwards.
- A fun, new, yellow flower I believe to be desert gold (leptosiphon aureus) - we'll have to check
- The abundant dodder / witch's hair - prevalent on the California Buckwheat on the ridges
- The beautiful, ephemeral rainbows that came and went as the storm clouds and mist passed through and over the canyon.

The rain actually made for a nice addition to the scenery, with the beautiful raindrops gathered on the petals and stems of the plants in bloom. Walking through the wet plants allowed for a special connection to nature today - one which I was truly grateful for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to get out and photographe the wild flowers. What's the best trail for the current crop of flowers?

I hope to get out next week. Any suggestions?